Burning Desire - Used by S'jirra based off the Dragon Priest dagger.
Sajjan - Found in Solitude Catacombs - Demon/Dremora Khajiit Ra'zira - Found at Fort Dawnguard on weekdays Morndas to Fredas then weekends Loredas & Sundas Riften Bee and Barb daytime Haelga's at nighttime - Heavy armor any weapons and crossbow she can Dual wield Rashima - Found in Solitude Winking Skeever - Archer Light armor can Dual wield S'jirra - Found in Riftens Hall of the Dead under Temple of Mara - Vampire Spell sword Drain and Ice spells can Dual wield Zatani - Found outside Hillgrund's Tomb near Fort Amol - Heavy armor 2 Handed weapons
Tsarrina - Found in Nightgate Inn - Illusion & Restorian Spell sword Havari - Found in Riften Bee and Barb - Dual wielder light armor